DecaFe1 DecaFe1 is offline

Burning Brakes


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  • Last Activity: 12-14-2021 07:39 PM
  • Join Date: 12-19-2007
  • Referrals: 0


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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
  1. Chad05TL
    10-30-2013 11:36 PM - permalink
    Hi DecaFe1, What wheels are in your avatar? thanks
  2. Schweinsteiger11
    03-14-2012 08:33 PM - permalink
    What exhaust do you have? Do you have any problem being as low as you are and having your exhaust hang too low? Obviously there is going to be scraping in places, but What is the clearance on your piping.
  3. rep57
    11-15-2011 05:00 PM - permalink
    Awesome thank you. I want to know what size wheels I can fit in the wells in the event I can find my testicles and move forward with this idea. I've never been quite that low before, but I love the look. I read on another post that you said Tein SS won't get the job done to go that low which sucks for me because that's what I just installed on my car over the summer. I'm sure I can find somebody on Azine to take them off my hands though.
  4. rep57
    11-13-2011 03:53 PM - permalink
    I love the "new" TL. My hat is off to you. I was looking at an older video you have on youtube. Do you remember the size/offset of your AME Shallen CX wheels?
  5. onebadna1nsx
    10-08-2010 04:41 PM - permalink
    I have no idea what happened with the custom coilovers actually. But most people including our team members are running Megans w/ the cup kit.... The Aristo and probably 3 other cars are still running JIC's with the cup kit.
  6. meesheddie
    10-04-2010 06:51 PM - permalink
    Hellyer's just around the corner. I'll do an Azine exclusive meet and bbq at the house for locals. "VIP"s only lol!
  7. meesheddie
    10-01-2010 06:28 PM - permalink
    Big ups on the ride Adrian. Can't wait to see what you got planned. btw i just bought a house down by where your at i think? The house is over on quimby and white area on allenwood dr. Hope i'll catch you around!
  8. JOSER408
    02-11-2010 10:32 PM - permalink
    hey bro why did you go stock ?
  9. AnthraciteAspec
    01-20-2010 01:50 PM - permalink
    wtf I checked my sent items and they are blank, I swear I am typing replies! I am just gonna send you a new PM
  10. JOSER408
    12-29-2009 11:09 PM - permalink
    do you get the clucking noise people are talking about ?

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